


The PEEK&POKE retro computer museum contains an impressive collection of computing devices.

Nikola Tesla


Jerome is an old mining town perched on the side of Cleopatra Hill that was once home to almost 15,000 people. The mines shut down in the 1950s. The town currently has about 500 residents.


Tuzigoot National Monument


Sedona Offroad

Sedona Jeep Tours

We took a Hummer tour up Schnebly Hill Road from Sedona to the Schnebly Hill Vista. We've taken this route many times on our own, but it was nice to have a tour guide. A four wheel drive vehicle with high clearance is required to reach the vista from Sedona, but you can get there from Interstate 17 with a regular car. Next time we hire a 4x4 tour, we'll go some place we can't go on our own.

It can be a bumpy ride.

Dear Occupants

Baby Quail Inn

This hotel should put price tags on everything in the room. I'm interested in the bathroom doorknob and the painting on the wall. Oh, and how much will I be charged if I take this sign?

Kachina Clowns

Sedona Evening Vista

Dry Creek Vista