
Showing posts with the label Interstate 8

Slow Zone

Desert Fog

The Umbrella

The Umbrella

This umbrella caught Tiffany's attention in the gift shop at the Center of the World. She wanted the umbrella. She asked for the umbrella. However, there was a problem. The shop was temporarily unable to accept credit card payments and the umbrella was priced higher than the $5 cash I had in my pocket. I told her that I only had Euros and a five dollar bill in my wallet. The shopkeeper then offered to take my Euros as payment. We did some math and I purchased the umbrella. This made Tiffany happy: very happy.


Lutes Casino


Yuma Territorial Prison

Drinking Helix

Helix Brewing Company

A refreshment stop at the end of a full day.

Border Fence

BS Phone Home

Coyote's Flying Saucer Retrievals and Repairs Service

Coyote tells me that he has been living, collecting, and creating here on the side of the road for 20 years.

Boulder Garden

The stone animals lurking in the rocks were carved by W.T. Ratcliffe in the 1930s.